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At JP-Domains, we offer a wide range of translation services using standardized quality assurance techniques and advanced software in line with ISO-9001 and DIN EN ISO 17100.

What do you include in the translation price?
When and how you do pay for your translation?
When Should I Order Certified Translation?
What are certified translations?
What document format can be sent to you for translation?
What is meant by the term standard page?
How is the amount of text calculated?
How quickly are translations prepared?
Which languages do you translate?
Where can I find free translations?

We Are Here to Give Your Business Every Bit of Help it Needs

Compared to other translation and interpretation businesses, we do not offer a one-day or one-hour service. The most important thing to the team here at is quality. We will deliver as many translations as possible that we can within the space of a week, or sooner, if necessary. However, if we struggle to make the translation perfect, we will keep working on it until it is perfect.